In the Art Room: 2017-18 Art Show, 3D Displays, Part 1

In case you  haven't noticed, things have been a lil quiet around this here blog. It's not because I've not been fact, it's quite the opposite. I've been so busy with art show prepping (and other life stuff) that I found myself unable to keep up with my usual three posts a week. This has NEVER happened before...and I think that's because this was our biggest and most time-consuming art show yet! 
 For our school-wide art show, we showcase EVERY piece of art that EVERY student has created all year. What that means is that the halls are filled from floor to ceiling with two-dimensional pieces. I'll be sharing that portion of the art show (complete with video tour!) in an upcoming blog post. Today, I thought I'd take you on a tour of the three-dimensional displays of the art show that I showcase in the art room. Here's a tour:
Yes, I know, my art room is very large! It used to be the school library before a remodel that happened well before my time. Why do you think I wanted to be at this school so badly?! I'm fortunate that my administration gives me the day of the art show "off" to set up my art room like this. My specials team also helped me out by taking some of my classes to allow extra set up time. You never realize just how long all of this takes until you start pouring weeks, days and hours in to it!
 I thought I'd give you a closer look at all of the projects and share links to videos and/or blog posts in case you'd like more details. We'll start with this fun and easy kindergarten project!
 All of our clay projects were created with Amaco's low fire cone 06 clay. We also used Amaco's Teacher's Palette Glaze, which we loved. The colors are so vibrant and shiny. The art class following our clay project, we worked with the three primary colors of Crayola's Model Magic Clay. The kids had to create the secondary colors and make them into a bead of rainbows by adding them to skewer sticks. 
From there, we used pipe cleaners to add them to our plaques with a little pony bead in between!
 The art show 3D displays were set up in four parts: kindergarten plaques, the superhero displays, the pizza pillows and, my favorite, the Art Supply Store! 
After learning about the artist Lucy Sparrow, I had each of my first through 4th grade classes create an art supply. My third graders and some of my second graders created these crayons. Complete lesson and video here!
 One fourth grade class created these glue bottles and also made little pencils. This project was so easy, it was kinda crazy! Here's the lesson with video. 

 Not only did we create these glue bottle sculptures but we also had to come up with a name for them! These were a hit at the show.
 First grade and the class of fourth who made the glue bottles created these cute little pencils! This is an easy and quick project that you can find more details on here. 
A couple of my other fourth grade classes created these tubes of paint! I'm telling you, creating these art supplies was not only fun but a great lesson on recycling as most of them were made with a toilet or paper towel tube base. You can find out more about this project here. 
 One project I never got around to blogging about were the making of these second grade scissors and glue sticks. These were super fun and easy to favorite part was reading what the kids decided to call their "product" and price it. 
And that wraps up our art supply store! Join me tomorrow and I'll take you on tour of the rest of the 3D displays of our art show...or watch the video for the complete tour. 
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