In the Art Room: A Glennray Tutor Inspired Marble Still Life

So this was a lesson that I came up with just the other day as a way for my fourth graders to 1. have a quickie lesson after working FOREVER on their snow globes ...which look amazing, by the way! Check it out: (these just need their bases!) and 2. Use the practice papers they created before painting their snow globes. You see, before making the background of their globe, they had to do three painting sketches: The kids asked me several times what the plan was for their sketches and I was like, I dunno, planets?! The other day, I thought marbles would be more fun...and a shorter lesson. A friend over on IG ( thank you Mrs. Cook! Y'all give her a follow! ) suggested the artist Glennray Tutor as an artist inspiration...and that's how the lesson came to be. Here it is, if you are interested: I was SO EXCITED to do this lesson today with my kids that I actually got to work EARLY (which never ever happens) to prepare. The minute I walked in the door, they'd cancelled schoo...